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How much does house removal cost?

Are you moving to London? Want to know how much it will cost you to move your house to the British capital? Before you read some stats or visit platforms where prices are compared, spend a few minutes with us and today’s material.

We will not name you a concrete removal service London price within the following few lines. It’s kind of pointless, though. Instead, we will highlight how the service cost is calculated because you will agree that the cases are different as the houses, demands, requirements, and routes are also different. Yet, at the end of this article, you will have a clear idea of what you will be charged and how roughly you will pay at the end of the process.

Average house removal costs per hour

Factor number one in the moving houses service cost calculation is the square surface. How big your house is tells you how much you will pay. Usually, the companies provide a price list with tentative figures depending on the property’s number of bedrooms so that you would know what to expect to pay.
Naturally, the bigger the house or apartment, the higher the price. It’s common for the consultant to start the questionnaire during your conversation with this question “How many bedrooms are there on your property?”. Your answer provides them with the basic information needed for the company to plan for your removal.

The quantity of bedrooms reveals how big the van is supposed to be and how many men should be included in the team. Of course, the more men in a bigger van, the more you will pay later. Here’s a rough list of the prices:

  • One man with a van – £72/H
  • Two men with a van – £84/H
  • Three men with a van – £96/H
  • Four men with a van – £156/H

One conversation is usually insufficient for the removal company to arrange and plan your order. Is it very Removal services per hour or fixed travel charge for long-distance moves?
There is no such thing as calculating the final price of the home removal per travelled mile. Yet, the distance between your current location and the last stop in London does matter. Especially now, guys, when the fuel prices jump in a flash of a second. But the current gas situation has not established such a practice in the industry. It’s always been like that: the company will charge you more if you live far away from London. Of course, don’t worry that the man with a van will defraud you by coming up with a non-sense longer route.

On the contrary, removal technicians are always instructed and well-trained to determine the most convenient and shorter route to take your belongings to your new home

What’s included in the price of house removal?

The basic removal service in London includes a man with a van. Indeed, it is all it takes. The basic price includes someone to load and drive your personal belongings to London. You might be frustrated now and start worrying about who will help you with the packing or the park reservation.

These guys are here by your side, just like the company’s ad says. The thing is that there are extra services you can order and include in the primary man with a van service, as well as in the final price. Here’s what you can order:

  • Renting or buying boxes for your personal belongings.
  • Assistance with the parking space arrangement, including through your local council.
  • Packing for the secured arrangement of your items within the boxes.
  • Storage service (if you want part of your items to be carried later).
  • End of tenancy cleaning service to get your tenancy deposit back if you live on rent now.

Extra factors that affect the moving service

Essential for the technicians to know all the details, including the least ones, to be prepared.
Of course, these tiny fine points will also affect the final service price. These are factors that might complicate or prolong the process. Here’s the list we are talking about:

  • How soon do you want to move to London? Naturally, you will be extra charged for emergency orders.
  • When do you want to move to London? Have you ever wondered what the cost of house removal is? It’s good that removal companies in the UK usually work during the weekend and bank holidays. However, note that you will find two price lists on their websites. The first one is for a standard service, while the second tells you how much it will cost to move to London on these special days (weekends, holidays).
  • What is the volume of the boxes? Of course, this is the top factor affecting the price as it requires fewer men and a standard or bigger van.
  • Are there any stairs? Oh, yes, the more stairs the men with a van should climb, the more effort they will perform, which means a higher price.

Things that are not included in the price but are free for you

Thankfully, save for factors that will extra charge you, there’s a whole list of gifts for you. These are specialities provided by the man with a van at zero cost. Of course, the more bonuses included in the removal price, the better the company’s reputation.
And there’s a tendency according to which many moving houses companies add a lot of such gifts, yet provide a comparatively higher than the average price on the market. So when you see that something is included in the price, be smart and make the calculations correctly. Here are the extras that are usually free:

  • Consultation by phone
  • Free Quotation
  • Tips by the technicians
  • Time (Extra hours are usually not occasions for extra charging because it is supposed for the team to have made a plan about the process duration with a concrete number of men and vans)
  • Insurance
  • Re-scheduling within a decent period

For more details about moving prices, please, don’t hesitate to contact VP Smart Removal Company.

We can guarantee our prices are affordable and among the cheapest on the market.
Call us right away and get a free quote for our top-notched services!

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